The Intact Platform has been a key component in the success of many companies worldwide for the past 15 years. Today, the Intact Platform is the most comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for the testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) market. It is used by certification bodies, accreditation bodies, retailers and wholesalers, and standard setters.

To find out exactly how our customers are benefiting from using the Intact Platform, we conducted a representative study that identified key benefits and efficiency gains and calculated the total return on investment (ROI) they received. The study also identified perceived market trends and gives an outlook on where the industry is heading. We have used these findings to improve our services and better meet the needs of our customers moving forward.

Significant Efficiency Gains — Up to 63% on Average

Our customers achieved a 30 to 37% overall efficiency increase and up to 63% on certain process steps. On average, the workflow became more efficient within a 6-12month learning period after implementing the Intact Platform. Also, Certification Bodies saw an average payback of 388% or 3.8 times their total investment. Standard Setters increased their revenue by 6.2 times their total investment.

Intact Platform Efficiency Gains
Intact Platform Efficiency Gains

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Executive Summary
TIC Market Challenges
Benefits of the Intact Platform
Intact Platform ROI Study Results
Free ROI Check

ROI Check:
See the benefits, efficiency gains, and return on investment (ROI) you can expect when implementing the Intact Platform in your organization based on the data you provide.


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Executive Summary
TIC Market Challenges
Benefits of the Intact Platform
Intact Platform ROI Study Results
Free ROI Check

ROI Check:
See the benefits, efficiency gains, and return on investment (ROI) you can expect when implementing the Intact Platform in your organization based on the data you provide.